Sunday, April 16, 2006

They're Joking, Right?

Last week my roommate tells me that a friend has told her that UCM has threatened to cut the World Cultures and History major, the only real humanities major there is at this so-called university. Their goal is to become purely a research university and they want to go about this by providing only math and science majors. I'm not sure if they know this but, there is research involved in a humanities major. I know, it might sound totally crazy and absurd and unthinkable, but it is true. When I hear this news, I start to freak out because that is my major they are talking about.

Even though I grumble and gripe about how the school is in disarray and the apathy of the students, I still care about the school and I want it to be the next Berkeley...... well at least the next Riverside. I have been called mellow many of times, but when I heard this news I became irate.

The idea of this school, to me, has become a farce with the administration as scientists who experiment on monkeys and the undergrads as wild baboons The graduates would be ageist, elitist, pretentious baboons and the professors would be the scarce but industrious hippie-vegan dissenters who protest of the experimentation of animals.

I found out a few days ago that WCH is not being cut, it was just some distorted information. Of course I returned to my normal mellow self, but the idea that the major might be cut is still lingering because the school wants to be an exclusive research university. They did do this to the psychology major so WCH will be on the chopping block in perpetuity.


Blogger elaine x said...

... what was it curtis mayfield said ....
'educated fools from uneducated schools' ....
the shoes of our country have many holes in them ... good thing you can see some of them!
keep up the good work!
peace & harmony,
'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape!'

10:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow that sucks! :(


7:21 PM  

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